Journey through Ancient Greece
In and Around Athens

23rd to 30th April  and 2nd to 9th May 2025


We are very excited at the prospect of having time to really get to know Athens.
By going early in the year we hope to avoid the crowds which have recently become a problem in Athens as in other European cities. Also the weather will be cooler which will make walking in the city more pleasant.
We hope this will be a gentle week with no long journeys, no packing and unpacking and plenty of time to explore ancient and modern Athens. Most of our time in Athens will be spent in car free areas.

We will stay 7 nights in the Cypria Hotel on a quiet side street near Syntagma Square. The hotel is within walking distance of most of the major historical and archaeological sites as well as the Monastiraki and Plaka districts. We usually gather for an evening drink in the roof top bar with a wonderful view of the Akropolis before going for supper in a nearby taverna.

The plan is to spend alternate days in and out of Athens.

We will of course visit the Akropolis (in the evening when it is quieter), the Akropolis Museum,  and the National Archaeological Museum.
We will have time to wander in the
Ancient Agora, and the Kerameikos (the ancient cemetery), both havens of peace where we often see tortoises, or visit the Cycladic Museum and the Benaki, or the little museum of Musical Instruments. 

There are many picturesque areas with winding alleys and remnants of Ottoman Athens to explore such as Anafiotika, and of course Plaka, as well as the wonderful markets selling fruit and vegetables, spices and dried fruit, fish and meat. There will also be time to pop into some of the little Byzantine churches which are often tucked away in corners amongst the modern buildings.

Of course there is no obligation to do everything, sitting in a square lingering over a coffee is always an option. We will be flexible, let us know if you have any other suggestions, or things you particularly want to see.

On one of our days out of Athens we will visit the Byzantine Monastery at Daphni, a short way out of the city along the ancient Sacred Way (now a busy main road). This World Heritage Site, described by David Talbot Rice as ‘the most perfect monument of the 11th century’ is decorated with superb mosaics.

We will continue along the Sacred Way to Ancient Eleusis where Demeter came in search of Persephone and site of the Eleusian Mysteries. We will then take a short ferry trip to the island of Salamina (Salamis), where in 480 BC the famous battle, which saw the defeat of the Persian Xerces, took place.

Another day will spend some time in the port of Piraeus, seeing remnants of the Long Walls built byThemistokles to protect Athens. There is a fine small Archaeological Museum here, with some magnificent bronzes, and the Naval Museum of Greece containing models of the boats which took part in the Battle of Salamis.

We will then take the ferry to the nearby island of Egina, famous for its pistachios, where we will visit the temple of Aphaia.

On our last day we will go to Cape Sounion where we will have lunch in a taverna on the beach before visiting the temple to Poseidon in time for sunset, a truly magic experience.


The cost excluding flights: £1,470 per person sharing a twin or double room, £1,805 for a single room.
Maximum group size 12

The price includes 7 nights B&B en-suite accommodation at the Cypria Hotel, all travel within Greece & comprehensive information about the sites & their history. It does not include entrance to sites & museums or lunch and dinner for which you should allow about £300.

Flights to Athens can be booked online or through Jeannette Ford at or on 01275 332211.
We usually take the 12.15 flight with Aegean Airways from Heathrow to Athens and return on the 13.30 flight.

There are also flights with British Airways from Heathrow or Gatwick and EasyJet flights from a number of UK airports.

We recommend you book a flexible fare which can be changed if necessary.



Travel & accommodation in Greece is arranged by Christos Patakis of Anassa Travel, Athens, with whom we have worked since 1995.

The journey is organised and led by sisters Mary Kehoe & Jane Maw Cornish.

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